Map of RV Dump Stations

Below is a map that shows the location of RV dump stations nationwide. The map is interactive so you can zoom in closer for more detail, select a marker for information, or select the “View larger map” icon at top-right to open the map in Google Maps on your phone, tablet, or desktop computer.

Map Filter

Now you can filter the locations shown on the map by displaying the map legend and then selecting from the available categories. You can choose to display locations by the following:

  • Interstate rest area dump stations
  • Free dump stations
  • $10 or less
  • $20 or less
  • $30 or less
  • $31 or more
  • Other (donations and unknown cost)

134 thoughts on “Map of RV Dump Stations”

  1. Love’s in Dillon, NC dump station is accessible only if you can back up to it. Doesn’t work if you are flat-towing because there’s no pull-through.

  2. We stopped at the rest area on I75 north exit 48 to dump our potty and it was really full and could not dump. Had to go to the next one.

    • dump in Independence on the 395 at the rv park does not exist…b said I had to get a spot for the night to dump… there is a dump in Olancha at campgrounds for $20

  3. Although not listed, there is a dump station and potable water in Craig, CO. It is behind the Moffet County fairgrounds. As of Sept 13, 2023, the coat is $10 to dump, no charge for water.

  4. We stopped at Twin Oaks Campground in Wellston, MI to dump and rinse out today (10/9/22), $12 and fairly easy access/friendly staff. It’s $20 if you also want to fill your fresh water tank. They do have set hours, but those are posted on their website. (Last update on the description says 2015, so I thought I’d leave a current comment.)

    • The one City
      North Charleston
      The Trail Center, 5728 Dorchester Rd, North Charleston SC 29418 / 843-552-4700. is PERMANENTLY CLOSED

  5. Davenport, WA – Lincoln County fairgrounds allow one to dump in the RV sewer connection in an unoccupied site for a donation. When the fair is on there may not be an empty site. At the other end of town there’s a free dump facility behind the new Dollar Store. No water. We used it 8/24/2022.

    • I found the water by the sign in front of dollar store but NO dump station.. Is there a dump station near the dollar store someother place than it used to be by the water faucet sticking out of the ground by the sign? Thanks, Mark

  6. The Frederick dump site in Colorado (Exxon station) is now $15 and they close at 8:30 pm on weekdays. Good site. We used it twice on our trip to and from Denver. Just wanted to update the info.

  7. There is a dump sight in Fort Scott, KS at the county fair grounds at coordinates 37.8143393, -94.7134161. Spigot for flushing is available. Free!

  8. One you missed:

    Texhoma Park, Dumas, TX
    N 35.866865, W 101.979286

    This is a place to spend the night for free: free water, electricity, dump station. As I recall, it has a two-night maximum stay. The dump station is close to the GPS (WGS 84) coordinates.

  9. Thank you for providing this information. I’m leaving this weekend for a trip out to Utah from Florida and found exactly what states I can dump without having to pay a fee at a truck stop. I really appreciate the hard work you put into this.

  10. Thank you very much for the time and effort to put this information together! Getting ready for my first trip out and this is a great resource!!!

    • Georgia is the most RV friendly state we have been to so far. It was so nice to know we would find a dump station at any rest area we stopped at .
      Forget Florida!
      Georgia is beautiful

  11. Instead of people getting mad at someone for assisting us campers for providing this and making sure people aren’t just placing dead points on a map, people complain that they can’t just add a link or then complain about not providing links. If you have any savvy the page has the link, its not rocket science. I use this page all the time. I appreciate the help and I am really glad that I am not being led to a dead spot. THANK YOU ADMIN for your tireless help and thankless work.

  12. Map is not well done!!! Does not show numerous dump sites like most treatment plants have dump stations that are free. Sumner, WA as example. They should make it easy for people to submit or add sites!

    • Mr. Myers: It is easy to submit information. Just select the “Add a Location” link in the menu above and answer the questions. Once the information is reviewed for accuracy, the location is added to the map and the directory by state.

      • It won’t let me link. I added the site per the admin directions above, but it’s located at 13114 63rd Ave, Sumner WA. You go through a small residential neighborhood to get there.

        • Tracey,
          Information is not automatically added to the website without verification first. When you complete the form, the information you submit is entered into a database. That information is then reviewed for accuracy and is geolocated. Once that is done, the location is added to the website and map.

    • it might be a continuing work in progress with the help of many of us out here helping to add info as we learn of it.

  13. I’m am in the North Seattle area and cannot get a straight or definitive answer on the nearest place I can dump my black and grey water tanks. Rinse water a huge plus but I can make do using a couple 5 gallon jugs on hand if necessary. I have new hoses and everything. Please help!

    • Any public rest stop in WA has both potable and non potable as well as the dump free of charge. We were in the Seattle area and headed East

    • Lake Pleasant RV park
      Bothell WA
      24025 Bothell -Everette HWy.
      $10 or less ! Used it last November! No problem.

    • Most water treatment plants have a spot to dump in… They are open 24 hours a day all year long. Check with your local treatment center.

      • You mean “waste water treatment” I think? Water treatment usually refers to water for consumption a.k.a. “city water”

        • Yes! Waster water treatment plants are a great place to look out for. Our camping customers have told me that our area (Massachusetts) has Cabela’s which has free dump stations.

          • Unfortunately, Cabela’s in Hudson removed its dump station. It was there in May but I was there on June 14, 2021. It had been taken out and landscaping covered the old space.

  14. The list is not quite complete. Many municipalities offer “free” dump at their waste water treatment plants. Case in point, Ludington MI. If a town has a waste water treatment plant, suggest you call and ask if they have a dump station. This has a tourist friendly motivation.

  15. Both hose at Nielsen RV in St George, Utah have ends cut off. Made it impossible to rinse out the black tank on my 25 ft Leisure Van Wonder.

  16. The RV/MH Museum in Elkhart, IN has a free dump station on site during warm weather (closed as of 10/10/20) but they do have several water stations that are open.

    The T/A Travel Plaza on US-20 @ CR-17 in Elkhart has a dump station ($10 fee) but I didn’t see any fresh water. Also, as of 10/16/20, propane was $2.79/gal.

    • Several attempts were made to contact you regarding this location but emails and phone calls were not returned. Your location has been removed until updated information is received.

      • Admin why are you talking to Sue at Mt. Olive Storage like that? You all had the wrong price info, msybe you had the wrong contact info too. Instead of removing her once she reached out, maybe you could take the opportunity to jot down the best way/time to reach her?
        Thanks for the work you do keeping site up and running! I found it helpful.
        Best ~

  17. SOUTH CAROLINA – Exit 1 off 95S. Free And… DO NOT MISS this dump station!! It looked like something “From Dusk Til Dawn” was based on. There is a dump and free water behind the huge sombrero tower and a Sunoco across the street. Have your camera ready because the place was crazy to see at night… Prepare yourself for the tourists taking pictures with the random.. GIRAFFE statues.. I’ll never understand it but Im so glad we went.

    South Carolina
    South of the Border, 3346 Highway 301 N, Hamer SC 29547 / 843-774-2417. Dump station is behind the Sombrero Tower.
    I-95 Exit 1

  18. There is a dump station inside Bullards Beach State Park, Bandon, OR (on US 101 30 miles south of Coos Bay, but you may have to pay to go into the park to use it.

  19. Love’s Travel Stop in South Hill, VA, no longer has a dump station. It had a problem of some sort, and it was too expensive for them to fix.

  20. The “76 Service Station, 1950 S Waterman Ave, San Bernardino CA 92408 / 909-888-2715” location is actually a Chevron. It is very difficult to get into with a trailer/RV because you need to make a u-turn when you get off the I-10, but it does have a dump station for $15.

  21. The “I-10 Truck Stop, 195 E Valley Blvd, Rialto CA 92376 / 909-877-1171“ location does NOT have a dump station as of 7/27/2020.

  22. The Valley Springs rest area on I90 mile marker 412 near Brandon, SD. No longer has a dump station, it was replaced with a scale for the new weigh station.

  23. The site in Deridder, La is exactly as described. Free and easily navigated parking lot. Clear signage. No hose provided so be sure to have your own. Thanks for the helpful location map.

  24. Have you ever thought about making this an App for iOs. You could easily charge a dollar per download for it. The others available do not seem to be as up to date as this site.

    • Yes, it has been considered. The cost to develop an app for the various operating systems could be costly, not to mention providing technical support. We determined it wasn’t worth pursuing.

    • Admin: Love the site and appreciate it. I attempted to use a link to go to NCPARKS.GOV, (right-click, open in new tab) and received a popup that I could not use that functionality on this site. So I tried to copy/paste the same url, and received a popup that I could not use that functionality on this site. I’m not sure why you have disabled this, and you may very well have good reasons, but please consider allowing that. Thank you!

      • With regard to the link, you can also open it in a new window by pressing the “Ctrl” key while clicking the link.

        I have disabled the right-click and copy features because it helps prevent people from lifting data off this site and using it on their own. I have experienced data theft in the past and try to protect my work.

  25. This is the best RV resource – I love that I can download the map & use it in Google Maps to navigate right where I need to go. I’ve used it in a pinch many times. Thank you!

      • Select the “View larger map” button at the top-right of the map. Doing so will open the map in Google Maps on your computer, laptop, tablet, or phone.

          • I don’t know what to tell you. That is the process to follow to open the map in Google Maps. You evidently have some type of problem with your device and I cannot provide you with any technical support.

  26. Need a dump station to come to me to dump black tank and grey. No wheels on trailer and no way to dump. Can you help me in Selma, NC? Rented a trailer Camper on a private property.

    Thank you


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