Free dump site with rinse water. Also has potable water. 37.28369, -100.32672
Neuseway Nature Center and Campground
401 W Caswell St, Kinston, NC 28504
$2 fee cash or check. No credit cards.
Babcock, Wisconsin
Crane Berry Campground located in Babcock, WI has a public dump station for a fee of $20.
Free dump station at Harris Beach State Park Rest Area (across the highway from park entrance), 2 miles north of Brookings (milepost 355.7), U.S. Highway 101
Sidewinder Chevron has a dump with rinse water for $10. No fresh water on site. There’s a rest stop in center median a few miles west with free fresh water.
Located at Bear River State Park Visitor Center. South side of Exit 6 of I-80. 601 Bear River Dr., Evanston, WY. Two dump stations available seasonally (generally April – late Oct) with potable water. Donations accepted at this time but will be a charge in the future.
Sinclair Gas Station at the corner of Hwy 9 and Rington Parkway. This location doesn’t even show on Google Maps yet, but it’s on the southwest side of the intersection. Has a free RV dump and fresh water fill.
Love’s #714 Charlotte, NC
I-85 Exit 29/Sam Wilson Rd
Charlotte, NC
2603 Sam Wilson Rd, Charlotte, NC 28214
Winterhaven, California
Sans End RV Park
2209 W Winterhaven Drive
Winterhaven, CA 92283
For non-guest: RV Dump $15 / Water Fill $15 – AS OF FEB. 22, 2023
No propane.
Palm Creek RV Park
This RV park has a dump station. It’s expensive at $25 per dump, but they will also let you refill with freshwater. If you want to camp near the Logandale trails, this is your only real choice for dumping unless you want to drive 30+ miles each way to/from Mesquite or Echo Bay.